Testosterone cypionate and enanthate are the testosterone replacement treatments prescribed to men whose bodies no longer produce an adequate amount of natural testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone that also plays a vital role in healthy bones and muscles in men. The proper level of testosterone in the bloodstream is needed to protect physical and sexual health but it is also linked with overall well-being in many people. When it comes to their chemical structure, these two substances are quite alike, but there’s a small difference: testosterone cypionate has an extra carbon atom. These substances can also be used to treat delayed puberty and treat some kinds of breast cancer in women.

However, when it comes to making the decision, many get confused as to which is better Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate? One thing works for one person but is suitable for the other. So, there are several facts you should know about these testosterone therapies before choosing one.

Let’s discuss these both, to get the right answer.

Main Differences between Testosterone Enanthate vs Cypionate

One of the main differences between Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate is the way they are produced. Testosterone Cypionate is typically formulated with either grape seed or sesame seed oil. There is also a generic version known as Depo-Testosterone, which is made using cottonseed oil. On the other hand, Testosterone Enanthate is made with sesame oil or grape seed.

Both types of injectable testosterone provide a sustained release, typically lasting 2 to 3 weeks. However, the exact duration can vary from one person to another, depending on how their body absorbs and utilizes the testosterone.

Another major difference is that testosterone enanthate enters the bloodstream more rapidly, resulting in a shorter half-life compared to testosterone cypionate. Half-life refers to the duration it takes for a medication to lose half of its potency.

Testosterone Cypionate Vs. Testosterone Enanthate – A Comparison

Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate, both offer the same, but still these two have some differences. Both are intramuscular, injectable medications that are considered bio-identical. It’s important to note that they are only legally administered under the prescription of a licensed medical professional.

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Enanthate

DEPO Cypionate, or its generic version, is formulated with cotton seed oil. On the other hand, Cypionate Compound is crafted using either grape seed or sesame seed oil.

Enanthate is formulated with sesame oil or grape seed
On the other hand, Enanthate Delatestryl made with sesame oil

Delayed release duration

Faster release duration

It persists in the body for a longer time

It has a shorter active life and persists in the body for a short time

Has a half-life of 12 days

Has a half-life of 10.5 days

Testosterone Cypionate has less testosterone per milligram

Testosterone Enanthate has more testosterone per milligram

One carbon atom heavier

One carbon atom lighter

Regarded as a steroid medication of English origin

Regarded as a steroid medication of European origin

It has 8 carbon ester chain

It has 7 carbon ester chain

Testosterone Cypionate is more expensive

Testosterone Enanthate is less expensive

Doctors often choose this as the first option for prescriptions.

Doctors often choose this as the second option for prescriptions.

While there are some differences between the two medications, the reality is that these differences are relatively minor. When used as prescribed, both medications provide similar benefits and results. Furthermore, if there is an allergic reaction or if the injections are not administered correctly, both medications could potentially lead to the same adverse side effects.

Testosterone Cypionate & Testosterone Enanthate – Uses

These two testosterone treatments are mainly used to address low testosterone levels in men due to aging or health issues. At the same time, these two medications serve various other health purposes such as:

1. Hormone Therapy

Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate are utilized to raise testosterone levels in a person undergoing hormone therapy, particularly in cases related to gender dysphoria or transgender.

2. Anti-Aging

While somewhat controversial, these are also standard treatments for anti-aging men over 40. It’s worth noting that while testosterone may offer certain additional health benefits, relying solely on it for anti-aging may not yield the expected results.

3. Radiation and Chemotherapy

In cases of hypogonadism or Klinefelter Syndrome, testosterone can be administered to a person undergoing chemotherapy, serving to stimulate the pituitary gland.

4. Breast Cancer

These medications are sometimes used in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and other types of breast cancer. It’s not always the primary solution, but for specific cancer types, it has shown significant success in treatment.

Testosterone Cypionate Vs. Testosterone Enanthate – Benefits

Both of these medications serve a wide range of similar purposes, leading to comparable benefits regardless of which form of this medication you take. Here are some of the key benefits associated with both:

  • These medications increase Muscle Mass
  • Also effective in increasing Libido and sexual desires
  • Enhanced Hair, Muscle, and Skin Tone
  • Works in maintaining a healthy weight
  • Increases Energy Levels
  • Potential to Slow down Disease Progression when used for specific treatments
  • Reduction in Depression
  • Enhanced Quality of Life, particularly for person dealing with gender dysphoria

For many people, testosterone therapy is vital for managing severe medical conditions, and its primary benefit lies in treating these illnesses. However, for those using testosterone therapy to address dysphoria and depression, the resulting improvements can be truly life-changing.

Testosterone Cypionate & Testosterone Enanthate – Side Effects

Both medications share similar potential side effects, which can vary in intensity based on dosage. These may include changes in libido, skin issues, headaches, and more. Regardless of the form used, immediate medical attention is crucial if severe symptoms like chest pain or breathing difficulties occur. Some of these side effects are:

Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects of Testosterone Cypionate

  • Injection site discomfort Injection site discomfort
  • Headaches Headaches
  • Feelings of depression Changes in skin color
  • Anxiety Anxiety
  • Increased libido Increased Sex Desires
  • Decreased libido Decreased Libido
  • Dizziness Vomiting
  • Acne and oily skin Acne
  • Thinning hair Hair loss
  • Weight fluctuations Nausea
  • Tingling sensations in the body

The severity of these side effects can be related to the dosage, and some people may encounter them even with lower doses.


It’s important to note that both medications recommend seeking immediate medical assistance if you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, chest or jaw pain, left arm pain, fainting, swelling at the injection site, dizziness, severe headaches, trouble speaking, weakness, or vision changes.